Okay random and very close minded people here on NG seems to be bashing people around for not contribuing to newgrounds. That message is for them. HA. I contribued to newgrounds now. I posted something. And by the way it's not because you don't post anything that you don't contribue to newgrounds... many people reviewed things and it does count. Their votes count too. But do you expect us to always be saying positive stuff? No, and it's not negative. It's constructive negative reviews. Please stop bashing people. I hate it when you do this. I don't want any random comments from angry readers. Do not want.
Well I mean, it is actually slightly reasonable to bash someone with an empty profile, I mean, they are just taking up space and wasting, then again who cares amirite?
I have mixed feelings on this.
Well it depends if the other one bashed on the flash submitted ( Good or not )